Webmedia South Pacific Donates Time and Website to WOWS Kids Fiji
September 3, 2018
Solomon Islands Prime Minister Launches Main Government Website & Mobile App Portal (Developed by WMSP)
March 4, 2020Picture this.
A six-week all expenses paid trip to Hawaii and Washington D.C. A chance to explore and discover a world like no other, and meet fellow Pacific Islanders from across 8 different island nations.
Well, that’s what Susan Yee from our office did!
Susan, who serves as Webmedia’s Chief of Creative Content, was selected as one of 15 South Pacific Islands Representatives for Tourism Professionals as she was recognised for her extensive background in creative and branding inputs for dozens of SP tourism entities of all sizes.
Her time in Hawaii included both classroom sessions with multiple industry experts and field trips to unlocking the wonders of Hawaii’s magnificent culture and history. This was then followed by a 4-week work placement as they collaborated with their American counterparts across diverse business sectors.
Susan was fortunate to have been assigned to the iconic Kahala Hotel and Resort as her internship placement along with a Samoan colleague. They visited different departments and learnt the behind-the-scenes ‘ins and outs’ of The Kahala’s daily operations.
The trip concluded with a Professional Fellows Congress in Washington D.C attended by 270 professionals from various backgrounds along with high-ranking U.S Government Dignitaries.
We hope you enjoyed yourself, Susan! We certainly missed you and welcome back to the same ole, but as per usual, completely different every day, grind!